1 Simple Step To Improve Your Marriage in 2015

If you want to learn how to improve your marriage, read this post as it offers one simple step you can do next year to make it happen
How to Validate Your Spouse

Learning how to validate your spouse is a critical skill in a marriage. If you don’t get good at this, you’ll fight more, and connect less.
How to Create Healthy Expectations In A Marriage

Here’s a very short video on how to create healthy expectations in a marriage. Not doing this bites you in the ass later.
How To Clear a Resentment in Under 10 Minutes

Resentments lead to loads of pain in a marriage. Learn how to clear a resentment quickly
Taking my wife for granted

After the gauntlet of young kids, I can forget about the radiant bright star that is my wife.
Parenting Difficult Kids

Learning how to parent a difficult child is all about understanding you, then them.
Is It Possible To Feel Open and Closed In The Same Moment?

Strangely, we can feel both open and closed to the people we love the most. Here’s why…
If You Feel Hardened or Hurt by Relationships, Read This

How to get past the hurt in a relationship. Learn some very effective techniques and a formula that can help you burn through the issues and blocks