When Your Friend Cuts You Off

When a friend cuts you off, it sucks. And, there’s wisdom and beauty in it if you can find it.
The Smart Couple Podcast
A trail blazing relationship podcast for growth-development oriented people who want a deeply fulfilling long-term relationship
[Guest Post] Hard Time Going Soft? How to Work with Erection Issues

Christiane Pelmas and Rensselear Resch educate us on men’s sexual issues, and how to work with them.
Women’s Sexuality – Christiane Pelmas and Rensselear Resch – SC 17

I got a serious education in this interview with Christiane and Ren. I can get so focused on men’s issues that I lose sight of what’s occurring for women. So, needless to say, this episode was very helpful. Since I have a daughter, I’m particularly interested in how to raise her in a “good” way around her own sexuality. Sure, my wife’s got so much of that covered, but as her Dad, I’m eager to support her unfolding in the most beautiful way possible. So, thanks to these two women and the women who were brave enough to ask some tough questions of themselves and their sexuality. I’m learning and I’m grateful.
Cock Talk – Men’s Sexual Issues – David Cates – SC 16

This is another great podcast, and our first one around sexuality, especially as it pertains to men (women sexuality coming in the next episode). David and I explore my own challenges and triumphs and what’s going on in the male mind when it comes to getting stuck around “performing” in the bedroom. You’ll dig it.
The Root Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

When I first lost my erection, I was freaked out. It happened again. I tried it all. Until I figured this one thing out…
The Biggest Relationship Battle You’ll Ever Fight

The big relationship “war” must be addressed in order to evolve your relationship.
Did Mushrooms Help My Marriage?

Can psilocybin do anything to help entrenched relationship issues or is it just a “drug” to experience an alternative state?