What To Do When Your Spouse Goes Silent On You

When your partner goes silent on you, you have an important job. It’s not your default habit either. The very thing your complaining about is the thing you need to do.
5 Steps To Calm Down Fast During A Fight

Don’t waste time and energy doing your same old way… Learn these 5 steps to calm down fast during a fight and get your connection back
3 Types Of Fights – SC 21

If you know what you’re fighting about, you can resolve the issue quickly. Here are the 3 things we humans fight about most…
Conflict Is Good News – Diane Musho Hamilton – SC 20

How is Conflict is good news? Diane Hamilton explores why conflict is necessary and important in our interpersonal relationships.
Fighting Over Small Things

Little things can often turn into big things when arguing. Watch this simple video to clear it out and remind yourself it’s okay to speak up.
3 Steps To End Relationship Drama – SC 19

Drama can be a time suck, an energy drain, and can hurt your relationship even more. Listen to this one to reduce or end the relationship drama
How Therapist Bruce Tift Helped Me Have The Balls To Marry My Wife – SC 18

Check out the podcast interview with Bruce Tift and Jayson Gaddis on relationship as a spiritual path. You’ll also enjoy the deep dive about closeness vs intimacy.