How & Why My Wife And I Chose Marriage – SC 50

My wife Ellen joins me as we discuss what had us fully choose each other and what I did to overcome my grass is greener mentality. You’ll also want to hear what she did to not tolerate my BS anymore.
Got A Cheating Spouse? Avoid Being Cheated On Again By Doing This

Is your spouse cheating on you? If you want to understand why people cheat and what your part is, read this.
How To Deal With Value Differences – SC 49

Do you make your partner wrong and want them to live according to your values and priorities? If so, you’ll want to listen to this short podcast episode on what to do about it.
Men And Their Relationship Issues – SC 48

So many men have relationship issues. In this episode, we explore why and 3 steps you can do right now to transform your relationships.
The Difference Between A Weak Man And A Strong Man

I’m sharing with you an excellent article by former punk rocker turned influencer Henry Rollins. He cuts right to the point. And, this will help you go from being weak to being strong.
Powerful Sex Practices with Layla Martin – SC 47

In this vulnerable and edgy episode I talk with Layla Martin, a zany, and wise, sex teacher who will remind you of your brilliance in the bedroom. This one is good for couples who want to deepen their sex life and get over any fear or resistance to going there.
The Worst Place For Relationship Advice

You’d be surprised how many people get the lamest advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about.
Want A Peaceful Relationship? Learn This – SC 46

It’s pretty normal to want an easeful, peaceful partnership where we all just get along. However, if you truly want to get to peace, you must do this one thing