Are you aware of what is possible in your life? What practical steps are you taking to live a more fulfilling life? Read on.
In an ongoing way, I offer 6-weeks of personalized coaching that has already been paid for. Why? Because I want to support guys who want to live bigger, better lives.
My good friend Justice Marshall just started “Pay-it-Forward” coaching in his coaching practice and I’m inspired to do the same.
What is Pay-it-Forward and what does it mean?
Pay-it-Forward is not a new idea. Vipassana meditation retreats operate on this model as do some yoga studios, massage parlors and even food cooperatives.
The idea is that someone else has ALREADY paid for the product or service you want. Then, after you’ve received the product or service, you pay for the next person’s product or service, and so on.
In this case, your six weeks of coaching is paid for. Yup, paid for.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch, no hidden BS.
If you really step into this concept, you pay for the next person’s coaching during or after your coaching experience. Why? So they get the same opportunity as you. You Pay-it-Forward! And you pay what you can or what you are willing to pay.
It’s a whole new way of doing business that is based on the Universal law of ABUNDANCE.
It just feels different to me. Rather than you pay me and I serve you, this is much bigger and more inclusive. This enables more men to wake up and become more conscious leaders, dads, husbands, boyfriends, and friends (The world needs you).
Pretty cool, right?
More and more folks are understanding the need for radical approaches such as the Pay-it-Forward concept to help people during these difficult times. And, it is during these difficult times that real men step up and step into their greatness. Will you be one of them?
In my work guiding men in their 20’s and 30’s toward radical transformation, money is often the issue that holds men back from hiring a coach or mentor.
So I’m trying something fresh to remove whatever perceived obstacles are getting in the way of you living what’s possible in your life.
I have an ongoing wait-list for Pay-it-Forward coaching clients. This will be ongoing. My first round filled up within four days. Then the wait list started growing. If you really want to do this, send me an email to get on the wait list.
BUT. and here is the big BUT—– I only work with highly motivated men, ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. (please do not contact me if you are ambivalent).
And, don’t contact me if you are looking for something for nothing.
You could be one of them if you step up and call or email me right now.
You just have to claim it with a phone call or email to me directly.
Interested? Ready to make a move? Just email me at [email protected] and include
a phone # where I can reach you.
I will interview each man and together we’ll see if it’s a good fit.
Please only email or call if you are ready to step into your greatness as a man and grow.
Inspired to go further with you!!
Here are several testimonials from past Pay It Forward clients:
“Jay knows how to cut through the mental b.s. and cut to the core of what might be holding you back. He helped me get out of my head and more connected to my feelings and my body’s own wisdom and awareness. I could immediately sense that he genuinely and deeply cares about seeing guys step up and live more engaged lives. My coaching experience with Jay gave me powerful insights and practices that helped me dive deeper into my authentic self. The biggest take-away was the understanding that I can trust my own inner authority as my guide.”
— Jeffrey Platts, 32, Washington DC
“Jayson opened new pathways for thinking about my life and challenged me to look harder at myself in the mirror. That’s not always comfortable, but growth seldom is. I’m better for having him in my life.”
–Adam, 37 Idaho
“Jayson has provided me with terrific tools to make better choices in life. I’ve always had good intentions, but had established thought and behavioral patterns that were not serving me. I am grateful that Jayson has helped me remember who I am, and to make choices in line with what my soul wants. I am stronger, more confident and more aware than I have been in a long time. Jayson is a revolutionary man who walks the walk!”
–Chris McCann, VP sales Chicago
“From the first moment of my coaching experience with Jay, my conceptions of what ‘coaching’ is about were completely rocked. I had anticipated a focused, accountability based experience. Instead, I was treated to a pointed and insightful mental, emotional and self awareness ass-kicking that helped me learn more about myself and has put me on closer to the path I want to be on. If you’re not sure if you need a coach or if one would be valuable to you – I can’t think of a time in anyone’s life where someone with Jay’s skills of observation and leadership would not be an asset to your journey.”
— Jonathan Wondrusch
Justice Marshall
June 10, 2009Way to go Jayson! Pay it forward rocks!
Valerie Willett
June 12, 2009Thanks so much Jayson for identifying a need and adapting pay it forward to your coaching practice. My heart was profoundly warmed when I read your post!
June 13, 2009Thanks Valerie, pass it on!
July 22, 2009Jayson, what a great idea! I hope it works well for you. I really think these are the ways we will create a new economy and a new, community-oriented world. Thank you for what you are doing! Keep in touch with your progress.
Sensorielle Spa
July 28, 2009Here’s what one man has said about the PIF coaching with me…
“Jayson has provided me with terrific tools to make better choices in life. I’ve always had good intentions, but had established thought and behavioral patterns that were not serving me. I am grateful that Jayson has helped me remember who I am, and to make choices in line with what my soul wants. I am stronger, more confident and more aware than I have been in a long time. Jayson is a revolutionary man who walks the walk!”
Chris M, Chicago
Andrew Newman
July 29, 2009I Jason,
interested in trying the pay it forward. pls call me for the next step: 954-349-8701. andy
July 29, 2009I’m in! I think — I have no idea what this entails. Holler if I qualify.
October 2, 2009I want in, please let me know!
November 1, 2009Jayson, l
This is an awesome giveaway. This is a powerful and confident step toward the new economy… that involves a strong element of trusting the universe on your part.
I find it curious that you’ve given specific instructions as to how to apply for this outstanding service… and yet people are leaving you messages here asking you to call them.
Would that fall into your category of ambivalent or unmotivated?
I hope you maintain this service. I’m pretty much flat-out with my current fields of personal growth study & practice. Else I’d want to take you up on it. Your site gives me the impression you’re a powerful mens coach.
November 9, 2009Thanks! I welcome your wisdom and comments here anytime. Yes, trust is the key issue. Can I just keep coming back to service, over and over?
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