Are you aware how your past negative experiences are shaping your current relationship reality? Well, they are and until you deal with those, it will be harder to get what you claim you want. In this episode my guest Mark Groves takes us on a deeper exploration about how negative beliefs can block your relationship potential. And some of those negative beliefs might be buried below your awareness. I’m so grateful for Mark’s gifts here and I think you’ll get a lot out of this episode. Especially if you like working your inner psychology.
- How Mark got to being a “Human Connection Specialist” [7:00]
- How do you know if they’re ‘The One’? [12:30]
- A quick tip for when you need to make a difficult decision [18:00]
- Finding the underlying core beliefs that keep you stuck in unconscious patterns [20:00]
- How we sell ourselves out for security and safety [21:00]
- Why people get married when they don’t really want to [24:00]
- The power of subconscious narratives [25:00]
- Redefining marriage to suit your relationship [28:00]
- The difference between choosing marriage out of fear vs love [31:00]
- How you can re-frame your internal narrative to dis-identify from negative thought patterns [42:00]
- A powerful exercise to take ownership and responsibility for your life [44:00]
- How Mark handles relationship challenges [50:00]
- Mark’s website
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- Facebook – Jayson Gaddis Fan Page
- Monogamy & The Smart Couple – Facebook Group
- How to Leave A Podcast Review
Hi, I’m Mark.
I’m a Human Connection Specialist – an emotional translator, writer, speaker and coach.
Learning how to connect with others is the single greatest predictor of success in every facet of our lives. So I set out to discover the secrets of those who thrive in love and life so I could become one. My research became my life, and I live everything I learn and write about.
Through my work I help people understand their emotional matrix and how to master themselves and their words. I take what you think you want, find out what you really want, and give you the tools to achieve your goals.
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