The Surprising Difference Between Divorced People and Married People – Mark Manson – SC 102

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What can you learn from divorced people and people who are married for a decade or two? What are the main differences? There are two and we cover them in this episode with author Mark Manson. We also explore how Mark navigated a big challenge with his now wife and why self-improvement and self-awareness are so essential to long-term partnership.


  • The fundamental issues people have in relationships [9:00]
  • Why we need to communicate without blame [13:00]
  • How to avoid ‘enmeshment’ and maintain a strong, independent identity [14:00]
  • Three questions to ask to dig deeper into your emotional states [21:00]
  • The HUGE difference between divorced people and happily married people [23:25]
  • What do all long-term (20+ years) happily married people have in common? [24:00]
  • One keystone value for a rock-solid, long-term marriage [27:00]
  • What needs to be added to our schooling to prepare us for the real world [29:00]
  • The ‘Self Awareness Onion’  [33:00]
  • Three layers of self-awareness [34:00]





Mark Manson is a blogger, author and entrepreneur. He specializes in writing personal development advice that doesn’t suck. His website is read by over 2 million people each month. He lives in New York City.

1 Comment

  • Vanessa kerr

    Reply Reply March 1, 2017

    Wow! I feel beyond blessed to be one of the winners. Thank you, thank you!

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