7 Behaviors That Kill Your Connection – Bryan Reeves – SC 94

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Are you killing the connection with these 7 behaviors? My guest Bryan Reeves lays out some of the most common connection killers and what to do instead. There’s some really good, practical advice in this episode. Dig in and enjoy.


  • Bryan’s relationship story [7:00]
  • The Masculine-Feminine Dance and the ‘pull-push’ cycle [11:00]
  • Freedom vs connection in relationship [12:00]
  • When she says ‘come closer’ and he says ‘back away (and his biggest fear in life) [14:00]  
  • One way to handle a woman’s anger [17:00]
  • Key Relationship Skill: Connection before correction [19:00]
  • The danger of ‘data-gathering,’ and how our partners feel invalidated by it [22:00]
  • Why ‘mansplaining’ doesn’t bring you closer together [24:00]
  • How one-upping your partner’s problems can lead to toxic arguments [25:00]
  • A simple, impactful two-step principle for better connection and less friction [30:00]




A former US Air Force Captain, Bryan Reeves has survived multiple dark nights of the soul and now coaches men, women and couples to create thriving lives and relationships. He’s the author of the viral blog, “Choose Her Every Day or Leave Her” and two books, “The Sex, Flirting, Dating, Hunting and Hoping Diet” and ”Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May.” Connect on Facebook and www.BryanReeves.com.


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