Within Minutes Find Out If He's A Good Man Who Will Step Up & Meet You, Or If He's An Unavailable Man Who Will Never Come Around

...And Free Yourself Of Wasting More Stress,
Heart-Ache & Hurt. 

Take The Emotionally Available Man-Quiz Now

I Want To Know Why Type Of Guy I'm With

Jayson Gaddis

October 17, 2024

Dear Smart, Success-oriented woman,

I used to be a very emotionally unavailable guy.

For years, I pushed and pulled with the women I dated.

As they got close to me, I'd pull away and hide my heart.

It was a very frustrating cycle for the women I dated.

Eventually I had a major breakthrough and I learned how to let down my guard.

I eventually studied why men are like this in grad school and found some amazing insights. I then led men's groups, men's retreats and wrote countless blog posts trying to help men.

I got married, had kids and continued to help men and women find the love they want.

Along the way I got very clear about what makes or breaks a relationship. And there's one common deal-breaker that can ruin any relationship. And that is this....

If one of you is emotionally unavailable or unwilling to work on the relationship.

That's right.

If you, or your man, is unable to really open up and share about the relationship in a caring way, your relationship is doomed.

So that is why I created this simple quiz.

So you don't have to waste any more time with a man who is not into you as is demonstrated by his actions (not his words).

A good man will continue to try and show up.

And I've created a very accurate quiz, in case you are unsure, that will help you go deeper with him, or move on.

I sincerely hope this powerful quiz serves you.


Inside You Will Discover...

  • The difference between a Man who wants a great relationship and a man who doesn't care
  • The 8 most common signs he's unavailable (created by real women like you)
  • A scoring system to determine if your situation is hopeful or hopeless
  • The most common signs (created by real women like you) that there's hope and that he will in fact, come around

I LOVED the quiz Jayson! I think you did a terrific job!!! I especially loved that you put so much of yourself and your own personal journey in becoming an emotionally available man, into this quiz. It was also VERY relatable personally, so I'm certain there will be many women out there who will love it as much as I did! I loved all of the information at the end too, and thought there was GREAT value in all of it! From the scoring page (very valuable), to "7 Signs of an Emotionally Available Man" to the "7 Signs He's Changing…" all were excellent!

MJ Dixon

Discover If Your Situation Is Hopeful Or Hopeless, In Minutes...


  • A 10 minute quiz to determine if your man is emotionally available
  • 7 Signs of an Emotionally Available Man
  • 7 Additional Signs He's Changing & Becoming More Available

Now Only $10

(For less than the price of a movie, find out if he is emotionally available. This could save you thousands of dollars and countless sleepless nights. For a limited time only)

I Want To Know What Type Of Guy I'm With

About Jayson Gaddis

Jayson Gaddis, relationship expert and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do intimate relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to master relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife of 10 years and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.