7 Tips On How To Deal With Holiday Family Drama – SC 79

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Family drama will show you exactly where you and your partner are or are not aligned. Not knowing how to navigate your own triggers around your family can lead to some strange and even painful “gifts” over the holidays. That’s why I’m spending an episode on how to deal with the likely family drama that will occur this holiday season. This will help you and your partner (or future partner) know what to do to reduce the stress and be more of a team. That way you can actually enjoy yourself during the holidays!


  • Jayson shares his initial stumbles in trying to “fix” his family dynamic. [7:00]
  • What a typical holiday dinner looks like. [9:15]
  • What is your role in your family dynamic? [11:45]
  • 7 tips to better navigate your upcoming family gathering. [13:30]
  • The responsibility of the most emotionally mature person in the room. [15:00]
  • The surprising benefit of having your partner’s back. [20:00]
  • How to flip your expectation of wanting your family to be curious about you. [22:00]
  • The truth about judgment. [24:30]
  • Jayson gives you an action step. [32:00]



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