Fighting, arguing, and disagreeing are essential in a relationship, But it’s critical to know how. Here’s a short episode to help you understand how to calm down so you don’t do or say something you’ll later regret.
- Why Jayson doesn’t recommend long-term relationship for everyone. [1:45]
- Why do some couples that use one single email account? Share your thoughts in the private Facebook group [6:15]
- The likely reason you struggle with conflict in your relationship. [9:30]
- What defines a fight? [15:00]
- The 5 steps [15:45]
- You must have this ingredient whenever you do a “time-out” during a fight. [17:30]
- The sure-fire recipe for divorce and breakups. [24:00]
- Jayson’s two powerful action steps for this episode. [28:00]
- MP3 Meditations: Tired Of Overreacting During Fights?
- Monogamy & The Smart Couple – Facebook Group
- How to Leave A Podcast Review
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