The Relationship School™
Finally! Take The Class You Were Never Taught In School.
The Deep Psychology Of Intimate Relationships
And join the movement to bring Relationship Education to Life!
Dear growth-development oriented friend,
If you are half-way awake and you look around, you see there is a huge amount of suffering in the world. Not just far away, but close at home.
Behind your neighbors happy smiles lives a man or woman who feels deeply alone, even though they have hundreds of “friends” on facebook. Hell, they might even act happily married but deep down they have been on antidepressants for years.
And in the privacy of your own mind, you might admit that you too are suffering, at least some of the time, right?
And, if you look even closer, you see that the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. And if you have ever had a life-partner and you are disconnected or in a fight, life is just harder.
And, if you have a primary relationship that is stressful on a daily basis? Your day is not only more difficult, your body feels the burden. And, the research is now clear how damaging it can be to our health to have unsatisfying or stressful relationships.
You get this right?
Now, what’s interesting here is if we feel challenged or incompetent when it comes to how to have a successful long-term relationship, it is not our fault.
Because no one is taught us how to have a stellar intimate relationship. We were merely “shown” how to have a partnership by the people we were in most contact with such as our parents. And, no offense to them, but they had a lot of limitations. As did their parents, and their parents. And none of it is their fault.
None of our ancestors formally learned.
“How to have an Intimate relationship” was simply not taught in school, in church, in sports, or anywhere else in a formal way.
So, how do you expect to have a good one then? Well, if you do expect yourself to have a great relationship without ever learning, that would be like expecting yourself to be an Olympian without ever training. It will only lead to massive frustration and you beating yourself or your partner up over time.
So, you get what you got and unless you get an education and learn a different way, you won’t be improving your relationship skills anytime soon.
However, there is one way for us to change the generations of mis-education around intimate relationships...
Enter The Relationship School™.
The Relationship School™ is my mission to help people learn the class they never got in school. The relationship school will teach everyday adults how to do this crazy thing called long-term partnership.
Learning how to do "intimate" relationships of course, only serves to help our family, friend, and business relationships as well.
In addition, The Relationship School™ will train mentors and ambassadors who will go into schools and teach teens and young adults the very same skills, so they can grow up and rock their intimate and interpersonal relationships.
I know, my idea is bold and a little crazy. But with your help I know we can pull it off.
Why do I care?
- Because I got bullied in high school
- Because I didn’t know how to talk to girls
- Because once I figured that out, I wasn’t being authentic, it was a game to get them to like me
- Because I felt deeply alone
- Because I thought about suicide in high school because I didn’t understand the point of life
- Because my parents didn’t know how to connect with me
- Because I spent my 20’s failing hard in my intimate relationships which added to a deep sense of inadequacy that I felt.
- Because had I learned this class in school, I’m guessing I would have had deeper, more fulfilling, less painful relationship experiences
- Because kids everywhere are like I used to be. Suffering, hurting. Feeling alone. Not just kids. Adults too. Loads of suffering.
The good news here is we have a massive opportunity to put a dent in this epidemic.
If you want to help me teach relationship to kids and adults, you gotta learn the skills first.
Hence, our inaugural 9 month training in Boulder Colorado that will train you to become a certified relationship mentor.
By training at The Relationship School, you not only learn how to do intimate relationships, you will learn how to navigate extremely tricky people and dicey interpersonal conflicts in your work and family relationships.
You will feel like the most emotionally mature person in the room who can handle just about any relational dynamic. This feeling of true self-confidence is very satisfying.
Welcome to the tribe of people who will change the face of relationship education forever by being a living example of someone who has relational awareness, empathy, and literacy.
Let’s do this!
Big respect,
P.S. Join us on The Relationship School Bus™ and help us transform lives everywhere (while improving your own relationships!)!
After experiencing authentic transformation in my intimate relationship, I have continued my work with Jayson for over a year now because I realize that his work and programs reach far beyond the realm of personal relationships. I have experienced massive shifts that have enriched my business partnerships with both clients and colleagues. So much so that I have enlisted his support in revising the facilitation tools and executive coaching programs to explore how we can elevate relationships at work and with our clients. I never expected to enrich my professional practice as much as I have. It has been a real gift!
Julie Arsenault Founder, PIVOT
Here's what you'll get when you get on the bus:
- Become a founding member of The School and get in on the ground level of this rare opportunity
- The Map & Indestructible View
- Relationship Tools that last a lifetime
- The chance to become a mentor if you successfully complete all your work and "graduate" from the school
- How to guarantee success in long-term relationships

And, all of this:
- Two live deep-dive relationship workshops in beautiful Boulder Colorado
- Ongoing practice partners to master the skills with over an entire school year
- A sense of belonging in a progressive, growth-development oriented tribe of relational warriors
- A serious boost in confidence and self-worth as your slowly begin to "get" the skills in your cells
Your Guide For The Next 9 Months
About Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis, relationship expert and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do intimate relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to master relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife of 8 years and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.
Live Weekends
September 16th–18th
Friday 3pm - Sunday 6pm
May 19-21
Friday 3pm - Sunday 6pm
in Boulder, CO
We will have Virtual Classes every other Wednesday. All of the dates are to the right.
These classes will be 12:30pm -2:00pm Mountain Time.
Fall Semester Virtual Classes
September 21
October 5
October 19
November 2
November 16
November 30
December 14
Spring Semester Virtual Classes:
January 4
January 18
February 1
February 15
March 1
March 15
April 12
April 26
May 10
May 24
The Relationship School™ is school designed to teach you the the class you should have been taught in high school or college that covers everything you need to know about how to have a thriving successful long-term relationship.
While our context is "long-term partnership," the applications are far reaching. This training will help you become a more effective listener and communicator which has far reaching implications for your life at work, home, and in any social interaction.
The Relationship School™ is for any adult individual (or couple) that wants to get the fundamentals of relational empathy, awareness, and literacy dialed in for good.
The curriculum covers two semesters of intensive study on human relationships and relational psychology and is full of street-level tools and practices that anyone can learn and teach someone else. The 9 month training has two live-weekends that must be completed in order to graduate.
Our level 1 training is a mentorship course where after 9 months of training, you "graduate" as a mentor in The School. Once you become a mentor, you can move on to our apprentice program and or become one of our mentors that begins to offer relationship help to your larger community.
The Relationship School™ 2016
Want to know more about The School™? Click the button and we'll send some your way.
Send me info on The Relationship School™!
We respect and honor your privacy.
2 live weekends in Boulder (Sept 16 - 18, & May 19 - 21)
2 classes per month for 9 months (18 1.5 hour classes)
18 class model on 18 topics
Private FB community
Practice Partners
Small Groups
Relationship School graduation certificate if you complete your work
Some Of What We Will Cover
Setting Context
- The Indestructible View--What is it and how rock it
- Love 360 defined
- The main goal of a long-term relationship (secure homebase, growth, wholeness)
- Intimacy defined
- How to set context with others
- Self-value
- Believe your story, it will happen (visualization)
- Deserving and what's in the way of your mindset
- What part of the story matters
- Mindsight vs mindset
- Warriorship
- The degree to which you know self, is degree that you know other.
- NEST meditation
- Personal responsibility
- The self-knowledge inventory
- 7 areas of self-knowledge
Your Operating System
- Communication 101
- Giving- how to communicate without losing people
- Receiving--how to listen so others feel deeply understood
- 4 layers of listening
- Getting their world
- The power of validation
- Giving impactful feedback that serves
Psychology of Relationships
- How we are wired and what happens as a result? Secure attachment
- 2 core human needs
- Core human wound
- Your brain on relationship
- Co-dependency and emotional fusion
- Boundaries
- How to repair immediately or else...
Re-Writing Your Story
- Earning Love
- How to Value Yourself so other people do
- Trap of Happy
- Shame and guilt
- How to break fantasies and resentments
- The 180 Clarity to Freedom Process
- Agreements and context
- Show up for every single class (if you miss one, you write a 1 page paper after watching the replay)
- 6 reflection papers
- 1 final paper fall semester
- 1 final paper Spring semester
- Semester reflection video (to share with group)
- Books study: You will read one book per semester for a total of 2 books and write a report on each book.
- Attend the two live weekends: September 16 - 18, and May 19 - 21
- Mentoring one teen or young adult and teaching them everything you are learning!
- The foundational skills to succeed in a long-term intimate relationship
- You walk away as a Certified Relationship School™ Mentor
- Extra confidence knowing you have completely transformed this part of your life
- Belonging to a growth-development tribe that knows who you really are because you’ve been through this huge rite of passage together
- A future opportunity to become an apprentice training to become a relationship coach
The Relationship School™ 2016
Want to know more about The School™? Click the button and we'll send some your way.
Send me info on The Relationship School™!
We respect and honor your privacy.
I never hesitate to introduce anyone to Jayson’s teachings, and I’m realizing as I write this how rare that is. I’ve had the privilege of knowing him personally for enough years now to see he actually lives what he teaches, he seriously challenges anyone near him to live their best Right Now, and he’s rigorous about no fluff…only results you can actually ‘shake a stick at’. I want everyone to have a coach in their life that’s a deeply happy person themselves and actually skilled enough to help you find your unique best. Whoever you are I’m glad you’ve happened upon Jayson Gaddis.
Decker Cunov Consultant & Mediator / Founder of Authentic World / Co-founder of the Integral Center
Jayson is a powerful and effective leader and teacher who has been upleveling the quality of men’s relationships and lives for the past twenty years. He leads by example, bringing abundant passion, integrity, and transparency to every aspect of his work. He knows how to be gentle, and he knows how to be tough. I trust his mind, his heart, and his gut.
Josh Levin Life Coach, Psychotherapist
I can’t be more grateful for having the opportunity to learn all these fantastic tools that Jayson is teaching us. The practice groups, the partner calls, the mentee, the recommended books, the online classes, the homework, all together… with my eagerness and support of the tribe to learn, be curious, practice, fall, be messy, re-do, get back up. The commitment to become more aware of my husband’s and my own patterns, triggers, needs, wants. I can’t express enough my gratefulness for Jayson’s vision and kindness of sharing his knowledge. My vision of life, my intimate relationship that was at the edge of ending and falling in pieces, has shifted to a place that I could never imagine it would, in such a short period of time. We are getting triggered, but we are both owning our part in co-creating the reality, we are asking for time-out, whoever is available first, is starting the 12 steps of dissolving a fight. It worked every time I used it, it did so amazingly that I still have a hard time believing it. I’m seeing a light at the end, a path, I know this is just an ongoing process, but I already feel a relief of being able to reconnect and clear the resentment without brushing it under the rug. I feel so lucky that I found all of you and Jayson that are holding the space for me to grow out of that nightmare. Thanks guys!
Vivian Piras
Q.I'm single, will this do shit for me?
A.Please stop seeing you being single as a problem when learning relationship skills and badassery. Now is the time to concretize your relational arsenal so that when you enter a relationship, you are equipped to face more of you so that you can connect with her much more deeply.
Q.When will I need to pay the remainder?
A.You will need to make your payment by September 1st. You’ll be able to pay in full, or in 9 monthly payments. We’ll send out more info as that date gets closer.
Q.What if I have to miss one or more of the live classes?
A.The course is recorded, so you’ll be able to watch the replay. In order to meet the graduation requirements, you will need to write and turn in a one-page paper after you’ve watched the replay.
Q.Is this in person and do I need to live in Colorado?
A.We’ll have 2 live weekends in Boulder. September 16 – 18, and May 19 – 21. They are required for your graduation from the Relationship School. The rest of the course is entirely virtual.
Q.When this training is over, will I have access to the course materials and the people in the training?
A.Yes. You will have access to the course for a minimum of 1 year and likely longer. You will also walk away with access to the community via a private FB group.
Q.Can I access this training from my smart phone?
A.Yes. If you are like me, your phone goes with you everywhere and so you have access to this course at the tip of your fingers. You not only can log in to the members area and listen or watch previous modules, you can call in when we have a live class and ask questions by speaking or typing into your phone or tablet.
Live Weekend FAQs
September 16 - 18th and May 19 - 21 at the Integral Center in Boulder, CO
The Integral Center is a "community as practice" organization exploring the edges of what creates strong relationships and lives. In this evolutionary practice space, theory ends and practice and embodiment begin. It's an incubator for self and community development that supports a balance of connection + challenge to foster growth. At the Integral Center, people uncover their gifts so they can share them with the world
Hell YES! However, this event for adults aged 18 years or over. All attendees must have purchased a weekend pass or be enrolled in the Relationship School™.
Denver International Airport (DIA) Denver International Airport is the closest airport, approximately 50 miles southeast of Boulder.
Sky Ride Bus The Sky Ride is the most budget friendly option and travels between DIA and Boulder every hour (between 3am – 11pm). You can get a rider pass for $11.00 (one way) at the RTD SkyRide Sales Counter at DIA, West Terminal, Level 5 (price may change). Your stop will be “14th & Walnut – the Boulder bus terminal.” From there, you many call a taxi, hotel shuttle, etc.
Shared-ride shuttles and taxis to/from DIA There are several ground transportation options available. The Ground Transportation Information Counter is located in the central area on Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal
Car rental options to/from DIA Driving time between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Boulder is approximately 60 to 90 minutes. From DIA, follow Peña Boulevard (10 miles) south to I-70, and exit onto I-70 west. Follow I-70 west to I-270 west. I-270 merges into U.S. 36 west and takes you west into Boulder (about 23 miles).
Parking and Getting Around
The Integral Center is in an urban area with limited parking. You’re encouraged to drive only if necessary and use alternative transportation if possible.
Boulder is a walking-friendly town and within easy walking distance to the Integral Center are several restaurants, Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods), a pharmacy, a post office, and a tea/coffee shop. It’s a 12-block (approx. 15 minute) walk to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, hiking trails, and several good hotels.
Local Bus
The Boulder Skip Bus goes up and down Broadway, stopping at the Center every 7 – 15 minutes. Broadway is Boulder’s main north-south artery traveling to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, downtown area, and many hotels.
B-cycle is Boulder's bike sharing program which allows you to rent and return a bike from various stations around town. Unlike typical bike rental, each ride is kept short, and B-cycles are returned to their stations when not in use rather than being kept and locked up. Pick up a bike at any B-station, and return it to any station when you’re done.
Lyft and Uber are both available in Boulder.
Local Taxi Service
Boulder Yellow Cab can be reached at 303-777-7777.
Below are a few hotel options, with distances from the Integral Center. For additional hotel details, please contact the hotel. More area hotel options are available here.
Boulder University Inn
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
Holiday Inn Express
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
Boulder International Hostel
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
Hotel Boulderado
5-minute drive or bus ride, 10-minute walk
St. Julien Hotel and Spa
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
Lodging continued. . .
Airbnb is is a website allowing anyone from private residents to commercial properties to rent out their extra space. The site allows for user reviews, verification, and secure online transactions. Listings include vacation rentals, private rooms, entire apartments, bed and breakfasts and many other traditional and non-traditional accommodations.
Meals are not included with registration. There are many restaurants within walking distance of the Integral Center and the Pearl Street Mall is about 8-10 blocks away (a 15 minute walk). There is also Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods) as well as a tea/coffee shop a block away at Broadway and Alpine.
All confirmed attendees can join the Facebook event page for the Live weekend. Shared rides, lodging, or meet-ups, can be planned there with fellow community members.
Jayson will combine teaching with breakout sessions where you will be able to practice and integrate the tools. There will be time allotted for asking questions. Additional details will be emailed to you before the event.
There will be a variety of herbal tea and hot water available all day. You are welcome to bring water bottles and snacks into the meeting space. There will be breaks throughout the day as well as an extended break for lunch. There are many restaurants within walking distance of the Integral Center and the Pearl Street Mall is about 8-10 blocks away (a 15 minute walk). There is also Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods) as well as a tea/coffee shop a block away at Broadway and Alpine (a 3 minute walk).
Indestructible Partnerships: Win-Win Arguing – Terms
Liability Release and Terms of Attendance
Please carefully read the following terms and conditions relating to your participation in Jayson Gaddis’ Relationship School™ (“Course”) which is conducted by Jayson Gaddis, LLC (“Facilitator”). By registering for the course online, you (the “Attendee”) signify your acceptance of and obligation to these terms and conditions. If you have objections to the following Terms and Conditions, you should not register for or attend the course.
Attendee Conduct
The Promoter requires all Attendees to be respectful and professional to our staff, location hosts, speakers, other attendees and their guests or families throughout the course, even during non-scheduled downtime and breaks. The Facilitator reserves the right to ask Attendees and/or their guests to leave the virtual classroom and/or Venue should they be deemed disrespectful, uncooperative, unprofessional, intoxicated or in possession of alcohol or illegal substances. In such case: 1) The Attendee’s tuition/fees for the Seminar will not be reimbursed, 2) Nor will they receive any of the bonuses that were advertised with the program, and 3) the satisfaction guarantee will no longer apply, nor will any other written or implied guarantees. In such case, the Facilitator additionally reserves the right to no longer include the Attendee in any future product launches, services or correspondence.
Liability Waiver
While we take every possible measure to ensure the Attendees’ safety during the Seminar, we cannot control everything. For this reason, the Attendee is legally responsible for his/her own behavior and safety, and agrees to be held legally liable for the following statements:
I, a willing Attendee of the Seminar, hereby accept all risk to my health, including my injury or death, which may occur while participating in the Seminar. I hereby release the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, and the associated officers, employees, interns, contractors, sponsors and representatives from any and all liability to me and my personal property. This release of liability includes any and all illness or injury to my person while attending the course, whether or not negligence occurs by the Promoter, its governing board, officers, employees, or representatives.
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Promoter and Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, and all third-party companies from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the Course. Under no circumstance will the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis or their assignees be held liable for my injury or death or any loss or damage of my personal belonging resulting from my participation in the Seminar.
Should I require emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident or illness arising during my attendance and participation in the course, I consent to such treatment. I agree to be financially responsible for any medical or legal bills that may be incurred as a result of emergency medical treatment. I will notify the Facilitator verbally and in writing if I am at any time injured prior to, during, or after the Course in my travels or attendance, or if I have medical conditions about which emergency medical personnel should be informed. I understand that the Facilitator (Jayson Gaddis, Inc) is not legally obligated to act on that information in any way or to provide any medical service whatsoever to me. I agree that if I have any medical or psychological conditions that may hamper me from fully and healthfully participating in the Course that I will notify the Facilitator. The Facilitator retains the right to ask that an Attendee not participate in portions of or the entirety of the Course.
Liability Disclaimer: No Professional & Personal Advice
The information contained in or made available by the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, or any third-party through the Course or their websites or services cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, mental, financial, medical, psychological, or legal fields. The Facilitator does not offer any professional, personal, medical, financial or legal advice and none of the information contained in the Course should be confused with such advice. The Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis nor their assignees, sponsors, speakers, partners, contractors or any of their affiliates will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages to the Attendee or the Attendee’s business, including economic loss, that may result from participation in the Seminar or from use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicated through the Course or from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicated through the Facilitator or any products or services provided pursuant to the Facilitator, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will the Facilitator or Jayson Gaddis be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the Attendee’s participation in the Seminar.
To be clear: You, the Attendee, alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your participation in our Course, you agree not to attempt to hold us, the Facilitator or Jayson Gaddis, liable for any decisions, actions or results that you make or experience in business or in life due to your participation in this Course at any time, under any circumstance.
Terms & Conditions of Purchase
I, the Attendee, understand that purchasing a course at the invoiced price, whether that be full or discounted to a certain degree, does entitle me to attending the Course. However, I do understand that this price does not include the fee for shared accommodation and food, unless specifically stated otherwise at the time of purchase.
Confidentially and Non-Compete
The Attendee hereby understands that the tools, processes, strategies, materials and information presented in the course are confidential, copyrighted, and propriety to the Facilitator. The Attendee also agrees not to record, duplicate, distribute, teach or train from the Course materials in any manner whatsoever without the explicit written permission of the Facilitator. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these proprietary concepts, materials, and intellectual property by you or your representatives is prohibited and will be deemed illegal. In such case, the Facilitator will pursue legal action and full damages if these terms are violated in order to protect its rights.
Adult Language
During our Seminar, we will discuss several adult topics in relation to personal and professional growth. We will also occasionally use adult or profane language to emphasize a point or connect with or surprise the audience (though we will never be lewd, and will always use tact and discretion in doing so). Participants who are uncomfortable with such topics or language should not attend the Course and will not receive a refund should they request one based on an offense to such language under any circumstances.
Audio/Visual Release
By participation in the Course, the Attendee understands that portions or all of the course’s live events may be recorded in video and audio and/or captured in still and/or digital photographs. The Attendee agrees that the Facilitator and its assignees have the right and permission to use such recordings and photographs should they include the Attendee’s name, likeness, voice, biographical details, testimonial, or photograph for marketing. The Facilitator reserves the right to use such recordings and photographs for advertising or any other purpose, in any media or format, online and/or offline, now or hereafter without further compensation, permission, or notification to the Attendee. The Attendee agrees to not ask for or expect compensation for the use of recordings and/or photographs in which the Attendee appears or speaks. The Facilitator owns all rights of any audio, video, and/or photograph captured during the Facilitator’s Course or at any of the Facilitator’s other live events. By choosing to participate in the Course, Attendees acknowledge and agree that they are subject to the Privacy Policies of the Promoter.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Your investment in the Relationship School ™ is non-refundable.
We understand that unexpected life occurrences may arise, and we may consider transferring the balance of your investment (one time only) to another Jayson Gaddis event and/or program within 18 months of your original purchase with a minimum of 1 days advance notice before the event and/or program begins. Please note that this is not a guaranteed transfer, and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Success Disclaimer
We have taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent this event and its potential to help you and your growth, whether that be related to your personal or professional development. However, there is no guarantee that you will improve your relationship(s) using the teachings that we offer. None of the products or services that we offer is a promise or guarantee of healing potential in any way. Your level of success, personally or professionally related, are dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, relationship savvy, and pre-existing experience. Because these factors differ according to each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or saving your marriage or relationship. You, alone, are responsible for your actions and results in life and in relationships. Any statements of possible outcome outlined in our advertising and programs are simply a projected expectation for future potential, and thus, are not guarantees or promises for actual performance or outcome. These statements simply represent our opinion. No guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the ideas or models that are presented at the Course or in any related documentation. We do not offer personal, professional, legal, or financial advice.
Satisfaction Guarantee
As stated on our Site and in our Marketing Materials, we guarantee that Attendees will be 100% satisfied with the Seminar should they attend the entire event. Satisfaction is defined as the Attendees belief that we have delivered on what we have promised in promoting the event.
NOTE: A guarantee represents a promise about the quality of services delivered. If an Attendee does not fully experience the service (i.e. does not attend the entire Course), the guarantee does not apply. Furthermore, the guarantee cannot be substituted or confused with the Cancellation Policy, and as stipulated by law and our earnings disclaimer, the guarantee is not based on future revenue or performance.
Review and Jurisdiction
These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The United States of America. Attendee agrees that any dispute that arises out of or relates to these Terms will be resolved via non-binding mediation in the State of Colorado via a professional mediator obtained by the Facilitator. If any of these Terms of use are found unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be considered severable from the remaining terms of use, and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
These Terms are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Promoter.