How To Create Healthy Expectations In Your Relationship – SC 59

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There are two kinds of expectations in a long-term relationship. Knowing the difference can help you sink or swim in your partnership. See if you can get honest about your expectations of yourself and your partner in this episode.



  • The two kinds of expectations [5:45]
  • Why laying a trip on someone doesn’t work in a partnership [9:30]
  • Why trying to force someone to change never works. [11:45]
  • Monogamy as an example of how to set an expectation. [13:45]
  • Jayson’s challenge to the listener. [17:15]


This Week’s Listener Contest!

$100 Amazon Gift Certificate to one listener

Contest Instructions

  1. You must leave a genuine 5-star review on iTunes. Instructions here.
  2. Send us a screenshot of the review that clearly shows we know it’s from you.
  3. Email to [email protected] with subject “Podcast Contest”
  4. First listener to email Jayson meeting the above conditions will be selected.





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