1 Key To Get The Best Out Of Your Partner with Alison Armstrong – SC 45


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In this episode I talk with Alison Armstrong about some major differences between men and women and how to use them to your advantage in your relationship. While I get that the labels of masculine and feminine or man/woman can be incredibly narrow, they are very effective for teaching basic relationship principles. Notice how Alison does this with some age old “labels” to help you see where you naturally  orient and where your partner does. Also, notice when and where you feel you are at your “best” in your relationship. Check it!





  • What caused Alison to become hungry to learn about men? [5:30]
  • Why do woman throw their husbands under the bus? [9:50]
  • The metaphor that helps explain why men and women see each other so differently. [12:05]
  • What one factor determines when a man or woman will act at his or her best. [16:30]
  • The best time to talk about a challenge in your relationship. [17:45]
  • How being more accurate about time can help women connect better with their man. [24:05]
  • The ideal perspective to thrive in changing life circumstances. [26:15]
  • The missing piece that women don’t get about a partner who is on his purpose. [32:45]
  • What is a “no-blow” date. [35:00]


Some women pay attention more to getting married at the right time rather than focusing on getting married to the right person. - Alison Armstrong Share on X

Guest Bio

Alison Armstrong, author, educator, and creator of the widely acclaimed “Queen’s Code” workshop series, asks the question: “What if no one is misbehaving — including you?” She explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women such as fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate. She offers simple, partnership-based, solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others. She’s known for her insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender. More info at http://understandmen.com/



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