The 3 Secrets To Get His Heart Back In The Game
Watch The Free Video Now & Get Him To Care About The Relationship Again
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That's right you smart, successful women out there…You can...
“End The Struggle With Him
In 30 Days"
And, Finally Get The Relationship You Desire & Deserve
Believe it or not, you’ve been approaching this problem from the wrong direction.
You need help from a normal guy who used to be just like your man:
- Stuck
- Shut down
- Emotionally unavailable
- Locked up
- Resistant
- Not on Board
- Tapped out
- Too tired
- Checked out
- Etc.
End the Struggle with Him goes beyond the standard "improve your relationship" fare. It's not about cosmetic fixes or slick tricks and techniques for achieving short-term results. It's a deep dive into a whole new way of being in relationship and it provides a much-needed roadmap for negotiating relationship in an empowered way. Jayson's style is clear and direct yet supportive, and it's obvious he walks his talk. As for the course material -- he definitely under-promised and over-delivered. The course not only gave me a number of tools to create a solid, fulfilling relationship that honors my needs, but it also provided me with a foundation for improving my relationship with myself. This is one of those rare courses that shifts your perspective, provides lasting change, and offers much more than what you paid for.
Diane D 43
I took Jayson's course a year ago and my relationship with my husband has changed dramatically! We are closer than ever emotionally, our sexual intimacy is stellar, and we have a strong spiritual bond. It took us 7 years to get here and this course was invaluable! Thank you Jayson Gaddis!
Heather Robinson

What is “End The Struggle With Him In 30 Days”?
End Your Struggle With Him In 30 Days™ is a solution, a system, broken up into a 30-day course to get you out of the victim seat and into your “smart empowered woman” seat so you can finally have the love you long for with your man.
It’s a straightforward approach to improving your relationship through unconventional tools that work. It’s cheaper and far less time consuming than processing with your girl friends, individual therapy, or couples therapy which rarely work to create lasting change with this specific issue.
How does it work?
Once you enroll in this power course, you’ll get access to a private course members area. Each week, you get a 45- 75 minute recorded coaching call, I walk you through exactly what to do to help your man, with simple, but very effective practices you can do between classes.
During the same module, you hear from women like you who have brought their intimate, raw, real questions about their unique situation and I answer them directly, with zero holding back.
You will get downloadable PDFs, MP3s, and other info to keep you on track week to week. You can listen to the classes whenever you like, doing dishes, on a walk or run, or whatever suits you and rewind as many times as you like.
All course materials are immediately given to you so you can pace yourself and skip around if you like.
As soon as you register, you'll be sent to a private members area where you will find each video class, course homework, PDF's and mp3's.
Classes are divided into a lecture section and a Q and A section tailored to your exact situation using the tools you're learning
Here’s some of what we will cover over
the 30 days during the course
Week 1 - The Powerful 180 “Clarity to Freedom” Process (And the 1 critical view you need to have in order to succeed in ANY relationship) Most women see a HUGE shift right after this first class.
You will also learn:
- The most critical context needed to succeed during this 30 days, and to apply it immediately.
- where you struggled before and were met with resistance, you will instantly get a new, positive vibe in your marriage.
- How to stop spinning your wheels, get to the real issue (on your side), and dissolve it (Clearing it will give you a huge exhale, big relief)
- How to help your husband feel supported instead of judged or challenged, which leads to him no longer needing to defend himself
- Basic requirements to get the most out of this course
- 3 keys to focus on during this 30 days
- What the REAL issue is with you and your man
- How to get to more clarity and freedom through a powerful process.
Week 2 - Male Psychology – Getting Inside His Head & Why he is the way he is
You will also learn:
- From a man who’s been there. More details from Jayson's story and other men and why it matters here
- About male psychology & male conditioning, why he’s emotionally unavailable and the most effective way to reach him
- 3 hidden body language signs that tell you he will most likely never change
- The 3 sentences he will say that will give you absolute confidence that he’s in this and wants to go for it with you. And, how to distinguish between lip service and real-deal action
- How to gain certainty whether or not you should keep working at it, or cut your loses, walk away and save yourself a whole bunch of time, money and energy
- What the boy code and man code are and how it’s playing out with your man
- The 3 behaviors that indicate he will never change
- Your man’s biggest fear + The prime motivator for men
- Who the only support is in his life is…and why this is a relationship buzz kill
Week 3 - How to Talk to Your Man Effectively & Why Things Are Not Working Between You Two (plus, how to communicate effectively so that your relationship grows and deepens over time). Not getting this method of communication will keep driving wedges between you and increase your fighting.
You will also learn:
- How his values and yours are likely clashing, why that is, and how to deal with it quickly
- About how you’ve abandoned your needs and getting clear on them is crucial to communicate effectively with him.
- How to find your non negotiable pillars and why they are paramount to you ending the struggle with him.
- How to identify your/your man’s non-negotiable pillars
- How to communicate with a intelligent new software that works with him consistently.
- Personal examples from Jayson’s life in how he and his wife organize their values, preferences, and priorities
- Why Jayson won’t heal his immune system…or what it will take to heal it...
- The 5 keys to a successful relationship
- They key reminder that makes or breaks our relationships
- The main reason he doesn’t want to join you…
- How to create a more secure homebase in your relationship
- Linking values, preferences and priorities with each other
Week 4 – Exactly What To Do Next
You will also learn:
- How his values and yours are likely clashing, why that is, and how to deal with it quickly
- How to identify your/your man’s non-negotiable pillars
- The decision making strategy
- The exact signs to know if it’s time to stay and work, or leave
- His empowerment scale. The telling signs he’s in or already checked out
- Your empowerment scale which helps you step in or out
Week 5 - Q&A
In this class you will learn how the EHS Course has benefited the community of women who have chosen to take on the End Your Struggle journey. Through this interactive Q&A, you will hear immediate feedback from Jayson on a variety of questions posed by actual individuals participating in this course. You will hear how the tools and elements provided have effected these empowered women, and how beneficial it can be for you.
You will also learn:
- The 3 Types of Shared Contexts for Relationship
- The 12 Step Integration Plan
- Why it’s hard to do the hard thing sometimes
- Other women's personal shares and examples

Normally $447, but for a limited time, get it for
more than 50% off!
Here are just a few testimonials about the 30 days:
Jayson’s course was transformational! In years of radical personal growth, I haven’t found anything that comes even close to his material, in terms of practicality, mindset, clear usable examples, hands on coaching and real life daily application! He will firmly help you identify what you are wanting, help you get clear on it, and move toward it. Be ready and willing to buckle yourself in for this ride. You are worth it. If you don’t believe that, you really need what he has to offer. Be prepared to be “met” and “seen” in a loving way you have never experienced before. He gets you. Thank you again. I’m so grateful for you, and for the Facebook friendship.”
Melaney G 42 Performing Artist, Southern Bend, IN
“I stood for what I needed in relationship which meant ending the long-distance relationship I’ve been in; there was so much missing that I need. Also, setting boundaries by requesting to take a break from any communication while I heal has been extremely powerful (and unlike my overly clinging, fantasy-attachment behaviors from the past 5 months). In turn, he’s owned how his fear got in the way and has been quite expressive in how he feels about me. The most profound shift for me has been not getting sucked back into the relationship by getting hopeful based on him sharing his insights and expressing affection. After all, we’ve said it plenty of times here (and I raised my daughter on this one!). ACTIONS speak louder than words!“
Monique 45 Program Specialist in eLearning & Open Education, Spokane, WA
“That was a wonderful first class!... it got me thinking A LOT and back to a mindframe of empowerment rather than Victim. Thank you Jayson and the women of this circle. I am really, honored to journey here with you and a empowered man who’s making waves with his work (Jayson). It gives me a standard too, of the mindframe of people man/women/people I want in my life and how it really does start with me.”
25, Melina Seeto ESL Teacher, Czech Republic
Kimberly Glow 47 Physician, Chicago, IL“I just wanted to truly thank you Jayson for being my life raft. The support from you and the amazing women in this group is priceless. You continue to guide me as I discover who I am and learn what I want and do not want in relationships as I move forward. I truly believe that I could never have gotten to this place without you!!!!!!!!”
Erin Holt Erin Holt, BS, CSCS, TPI, 33 years old“I want to let you know how much I LOVED your ESH in 30 days course, It was AWESOME. It completely shifted my marriage, which we were both thinking about separation, in a beautiful way! I was able to fully see and understand how much I have abandoned myself for the first time in my life. This course gave me my relationship with myself back, which is priceless! Reconnecting with myself improved all areas of my life; relationship, trusting myself, my confidence, in growing my business, in being able to better see all sides of conflict and to light the hell up and have fun again!! THANK YOU to you and for the incredible work you are doing, as it has made a massive impact on my life and I am very grateful.”
-Brenda“Thank you for the 30 day ESH course. It's been a tremendous help to bring eye-opening clarity to my relationship with MYSELF and my husband. I've been humbled and invigorated, to say the least. My man and I have decided to move forward together and are planning to reunite by end of the month to fully work on our relationship anew.”
-Amanda F“It’s only this weekend that I have had total clarity that ‘I’m out’. This is the clarity I’ve been seeking after 2 years of various interventions. Your straight talking, experience, the calls and exercises have enabled me to get here, thank you Jayson, this is a huge relief for me.”
AnonymousYour class was helpful to me.
I have been married 25 years and have eight kids ages 24 down to three years old. Yesterday I filed for divorce. I can't say I feel good about it but I know it is something I had to do. Your class helped me see reality more clearly. Also I appreciated just the language you used for examples of expressing ourselves. Thank you.
-KathrynI am surprised by the effectiveness of your work. It is exactly what I needed and was ready for. I have been able to dive down into myself and start sequencing some of my deepest known wounds. I know part of this is because I was hurting and ready for it. Also, your clarity, information and tools have pointed me right into to my body and heart. I feel myself softening, melting and expanding into this beautiful place where I am able to forgive and connect, not only with my husband and family, but also with others who I felt had "hurt me" over the years. I am so excited to see what triggers me next, excited to see how I will be broken open and able to love in a deeper more expansive way.
"Jayson, I want to tell you what a tremendous impact you and your course had on me.
It was a true wake-up call to me when I was in the middle of one of the most “successful” seasons of my business, yet watching three relationships that were very important to me experience deep challenges. I knew it did not matter how much success I created professionally, if my relationships were falling apart I would not be happy. I had to humble myself and admit that I was the common denominator in all three of those relationships, therefore, I was motivated to invest in breaking any of my own relating patterns that may have been contributing to the struggle.
Having been deeply impacted by your free articles and webinars, as well as our podcast interview, I knew I could trust you and your craft. I knew you would give me tangible tools and strategies that actually worked, all the while honoring myself and the value of relationships as a path to growth.
Your coaching helped me identify my deepest values so as to make decisions that were congruent with what I wanted most. You helped me identify and break some relating patterns that have impacted my entire life—some of which were previously unconscious. It felt so empowering to be able to change the relating patterns and end the struggles with deep clarity and confidence.
You are the real deal. Thank you for serving me powerfully at this critical juncture in my life."Vanessa Horn Speaker | Author | Business Coach
“I resisted every urge to talk about his actions, behavior, what I need him to do differently, all the ways he’s hurt me….etc. I only talked about my stuff. And I have you, Jayson, to thank for that golden guidance because that is not my MO. And it worked. He broke. The ice did shatter, the shell did fragment, and he melted everywhere.”
Angela G. Registered Nurse, New JerseyI loved your course! It was an eye opener for me. It made me realize that my problems aren't unique and a lot of the outcomes lie within me. This whole course is dedicated to my maladjustment, it seemed to me. This was a new revelation. After years of blame and unsuccessfully handling the shut down guy, this was very empowering to see. Especially love your EHH description! I'm having to work on that.
It looks wonderful when you model situations and how the outcome is directed by your approaches, I want to be able to follow it. I'm going to listen to the whole course again to get more insight. It is also tough for me to be shown my approach has been totally wrong. I used to think of myself as a "master" of handling life and life situations. However, when the circumstances changed and we were no longer in pursuit of food shelter and safety, we had lost the focus on us.What I'm finding out is that we make great roommates, but lousy partners.
Serena RobinsonI recently completed the "End your struggle with him in 30 days" course with Jayson Gaddis and would highly recommend it. It was a pretty eye opening experience, with informative and interesting content that really assisted me to be truly honest about the future of my relationship.
As a result of the impactful work I did in this course, I feel more empowered, confident, joyful, genuine, spontaneous, connected, and more present for myself and others. I noticed how other personal relationships in my life improved significantly during this course. For example, my relationship with my Mom is the best it has ever been, as well as other relationships including my coworkers, my students even random people I meet on the street. I am grateful to Jayson for his brilliance, passion and dedication to develop/teach this course with clarity, integrity, mastery and heart.
Ana Integrated Movement Therapist, Seattle, WA
Theresa Santa BarbaraThis course has been powerful! I literally can't wait to devour the new material every week.
Check out the Facebook testimonials after ONLY 2 weeks in the course!

Jump In Now And You Also Get 7 Awesome Bonuses Free ($1000 + Value)
Here's a closer look at each bonus resource you get access to as soon as you join the course.
Bonus #1
An Extra 2.5 hour interview with women just like you asking Jayson hard questions about their shut down man, what to say, what not to say, do, etc.
This recorded call is worth the course and more! The questions are raw, real, heart-wrenching, and inspiring as hell.
I'm pretty sure you will get an answer to your situation just by listening to other women like you going through something very similar. Value $1000

Bonus #2
A Private Community of Women
Are you trying to get help alone or with the same old support system with people that don't totally get what's going on? Then, jump into a sisterhood already done for you, that is full of amazing and inspiring women who truly get what's happening with you and your man. You will also:
- Connect with like minded women who have overcome this exact issue
- Connect with hundreds of women like you who are "in it" and determined to move past the frustrating dynamic with him.
- Lean on other women who have been through this
- Get accountability that will help you stay true to you and your needs
- Get real answers to the relationship problems in front of you
Most of us cannot do it alone. Join a wonderful tribe of women like you who are getting what they want with their man right now! The moment you purchase the course, you'll get access to this inspiring group of women who can and will help you. Value: $ priceless
Bonus #3
How My Wife Got Me To Put Two Feet In: A 2 hour recorded call with my wife, Ellen
This call blew everyone out of the water. Ellen shared her side of the story, her experience, what it was that she did that got me to change.
Here were just few responses from women after listening to this call:

Bonus #4
The Single Most Effective Tool To Get Him To Open Up And Talk About His Feelings (Without Triggering His Defensiveness And Without You Tip-toeing Anymore)
This Bonus class includes:
- A 45 Minute Video Class that gives you everything you need to get reconnected to him
- A 45 downloadable mp3 audio class
- A 30 page ebook outlining exactly what to do
Value: $27
Bonus #5
The 4 Simple Steps To Get Him To Connect Emotionally With You....
In this Video class and Ebook You Will learn:
- 4 steps to get him to pay even more attention to you so the two of you can go deeper
- 1 mistake you are probably still making
- 10 of the most common male behaviors (and what’s underneath them) of men who are emotionally guarded or distant.
- You will learn about 10 do’s and 10 don’ts when sharing with your man or getting him to connect with you
- 7 Mistakes you make to try to get him to connect with you.
- Why his “pulling away” behavior isn’t about you.”
- A real case study of Trish and Jeff and how they turned it around.
- PLUS: a bonus 2 hr class – The Very Best Way To Get Him To Connect
Value: $247

Bonus #6
Self Love: The Key to Getting Your Non-Negotiable Needs Met By Him
This Bonus class includes:
- The biggest and most important non-negotiable need you have
- What is Self-Love Anyway?
- How To Attract Him To You- The Key To Increasing Your Self Worth And More!
Value: $197
Bonus #7
Why Men Are The Way They Are: Cracking The Man Code
In this Ebook You Will learn:
- What does it mean to be a man in today's culture?
- How to come back into connection from disconnection
- A man's greatest fears and what stands in the way of a man's personal freedom
- How to break free from the deep male social conditioning
- What is the boy code and how you got "trained" to be a certain kind of man
- The importance of rituals and rights of passage for today's growth-oriented man
Value: $27

You can’t go wrong with this incredible guarantee!

I’m so absolutely sure that this 30-day course will help your marriage, that I’m offering a risk free 30-day money back guarantee.
If for whatever reason this course does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us an email within 30 days from your purchase and we’ll refund you on one condition. Read "Refund Policy" below.
You have nothing to lose!
Because I am fully committed to helping you change your relationship and your life, I want to offer you this 100% money back guarantee. You have 30 days to test out the course. If you do the work and don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.
Important: To be eligible for a refund, I require your completed homework from the first three classes, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got. This means you must apply my teachings to your life and your relationships. I know that if you do, you’ll get results. But If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition.
I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.

Normally $447, but for a limited time, get it for
more than 50% off!
End the Struggle – Terms
Liability Release and Terms of Attendance
Please carefully read the following terms and conditions relating to your participation in Jayson Gaddis’ event/retreat/program (“End the Struggle with Him in 30 Days”) which is conducted by Jayson Gaddis, Inc (“Facilitator”). By registering for the course online, you (the “Attendee”) signify your acceptance of and obligation to these terms and conditions. If you have objections to the following Terms and Conditions, you should not register for or attend the course.
Attendee Conduct
The Promoter requires all Attendees to be respectful and professional to our staff, location hosts, speakers, other attendees and their guests or families throughout the course, even during non-scheduled downtime and breaks. The Facilitator reserves the right to ask Attendees and/or their guests to leave the virtual classroom and/or Venue should they be deemed disrespectful, uncooperative, unprofessional, intoxicated or in possession of alcohol or illegal substances. In such case: 1) The Attendee’s tuition/fees for the Seminar will not be reimbursed, 2) Nor will they receive any of the bonuses that were advertised with the program, and 3) the satisfaction guarantee will no longer apply, nor will any other written or implied guarantees. In such case, the Facilitator additionally reserves the right to no longer include the Attendee in any future product launches, services or correspondence.
Liability Waiver
While we take every possible measure to ensure the Attendees’ safety during the Seminar, we cannot control everything. For this reason, the Attendee is legally responsible for his/her own behavior and safety, and agrees to be held legally liable for the following statements:
I, a willing Attendee of the Seminar, hereby accept all risk to my health, including my injury or death, which may occur while participating in the Seminar. I hereby release the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, and the associated officers, employees, interns, contractors, sponsors and representatives from any and all liability to me and my personal property. This release of liability includes any and all illness or injury to my person while attending the course, whether or not negligence occurs by the Promoter, its governing board, officers, employees, or representatives.
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Promoter and Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, and all third-party companies from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the Course. Under no circumstance will the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis or their assignees be held liable for my injury or death or any loss or damage of my personal belonging resulting from my participation in the Seminar.
Should I require emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident or illness arising during my attendance and participation in the course, I consent to such treatment. I agree to be financially responsible for any medical or legal bills that may be incurred as a result of emergency medical treatment. I will notify the Facilitator verbally and in writing if I am at any time injured prior to, during, or after the Course in my travels or attendance, or if I have medical conditions about which emergency medical personnel should be informed. I understand that the Facilitator (Jayson Gaddis, Inc) is not legally obligated to act on that information in any way or to provide any medical service whatsoever to me. I agree that if I have any medical or psychological conditions that may hamper me from fully and healthfully participating in the Course that I will notify the Facilitator. The Facilitator retains the right to ask that an Attendee not participate in portions of or the entirety of the Course.
Liability Disclaimer: No Professional & Personal Advice
The information contained in or made available by the Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis, or any third-party through the Course or their websites or services cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, mental, financial, medical, psychological, or legal fields. The Facilitator does not offer any professional, personal, medical, financial or legal advice and none of the information contained in the Course should be confused with such advice. The Facilitator, Jayson Gaddis nor their assignees, sponsors, speakers, partners, contractors or any of their affiliates will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages to the Attendee or the Attendee’s business, including economic loss, that may result from participation in the Seminar or from use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicated through the Course or from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicated through the Facilitator or any products or services provided pursuant to the Facilitator, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will the Facilitator or Jayson Gaddis be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the Attendee’s participation in the Seminar.
To be clear: You, the Attendee, alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your participation in our Course, you agree not to attempt to hold us, the Facilitator or Jayson Gaddis, liable for any decisions, actions or results that you make or experience in business or in life due to your participation in this Course at any time, under any circumstance.
Terms & Conditions of Purchase
I, the Attendee, understand that purchasing a course at the invoiced price, whether that be full or discounted to a certain degree, does entitle me to attending the Course. However, I do understand that this price does not include the fee for shared accommodation and food, unless specifically stated otherwise at the time of purchase.
Confidentially and Non-Compete
The Attendee hereby understands that the tools, processes, strategies, materials and information presented in the course are confidential, copyrighted, and propriety to the Facilitator. The Attendee also agrees not to record, duplicate, distribute, teach or train from the Course materials in any manner whatsoever without the explicit written permission of the Facilitator. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these proprietary concepts, materials, and intellectual property by you or your representatives is prohibited and will be deemed illegal. In such case, the Facilitator will pursue legal action and full damages if these terms are violated in order to protect its rights.
Adult Language
During our Seminar, we will discuss several adult topics in relation to personal and professional growth. We will also occasionally use adult or profane language to emphasize a point or connect with or surprise the audience (though we will never be lewd, and will always use tact and discretion in doing so). Participants who are uncomfortable with such topics or language should not attend the Course and will not receive a refund should they request one based on an offense to such language under any circumstances.
Audio/Visual Release
By participation in the Course, the Attendee understands that portions or all of the course’s live events may be recorded in video and audio and/or captured in still and/or digital photographs. The Attendee agrees that the Facilitator and its assignees have the right and permission to use such recordings and photographs should they include the Attendee’s name, likeness, voice, biographical details, testimonial, or photograph for marketing. The Facilitator reserves the right to use such recordings and photographs for advertising or any other purpose, in any media or format, online and/or offline, now or hereafter without further compensation, permission, or notification to the Attendee. The Attendee agrees to not ask for or expect compensation for the use of recordings and/or photographs in which the Attendee appears or speaks. The Facilitator owns all rights of any audio, video, and/or photograph captured during the Facilitator’s Course or at any of the Facilitator’s other live events. By choosing to participate in the Course, Attendees acknowledge and agree that they are subject to the Privacy Policies of the Promoter.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Most companies have a Refund Policy. At Jayson Gaddis, Inc, for End the Struggle with Him in 30 Days, we have a Commitment AND Refund Policy.
This means once you’ve made your purchase, you will have 30 full days to ask for a refund. Within this period, your investment, whether purchase or deposit, is 100% refundable.
If we do not receive your written declination at [email protected] within this 30 day period, on the 30th day we will consider your commitment confirmed, and your investment becomes non-refundable.
We believe in the power of commitment, especially those commitments made to oneself.
We understand that unexpected life occurrences may arise, and we may consider transferring the balance of your investment (one time only) to another Jayson Gaddis event and/or program within 18 months of your original purchase with a minimum of 1 days advance notice before the event and/or program begins. Please note that this is not a guaranteed transfer, and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Online Programs Refund Policy Addendum
Other online products have a 30-day refund period, unless specifically stated otherwise. After 30 days from purchase, NO refunds will be given under any circumstances. At our discretion, we will allow the transfer of certain online products, the attendee, however, will be responsible for finding a replacement within 30 days from registration. The Online Products refund policy only applies to certain products, and does not include products that are offered as part of programs, events, coaching or courses. To find out what products are covered under this addendum, please send questions to [email protected]
Success Disclaimer
We have taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent this event and its potential to help you and your growth, whether that be related to your personal or professional development. However, there is no guarantee that you will improve your relationship(s) using the teachings that we offer. None of the products or services that we offer is a promise or guarantee of healing potential in any way. Your level of success, personally or professionally related, are dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, relationship savvy, and pre-existing experience. Because these factors differ according to each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or saving your marriage or relationship. You, alone, are responsible for your actions and results in life and in relationships. Any statements of possible outcome outlined in our advertising and programs are simply a projected expectation for future potential, and thus, are not guarantees or promises for actual performance or outcome. These statements simply represent our opinion. No guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the ideas or models that are presented at the Course or in any related documentation. We do not offer personal, professional, legal, or financial advice.
Satisfaction Guarantee
As stated on our Site and in our Marketing Materials, we guarantee that Attendees will be 100% satisfied with the Seminar should they attend the entire event. Satisfaction is defined as the Attendees belief that we have delivered on what we have promised in promoting the event. If Attendees are not satisfied at the conclusion of the event, after having attended the entire event, and they notify us in the manner described herein, we will refund their tuition to the Course. Under certain circumstances, we may also reimburse their accommodation and food fee. Participants who are not satisfied with the Course must, at the immediate conclusion of the Course, verbally notify one of our senior staff members of the dissatisfaction. Unsatisfied Attendees must also relinquish all course materials as well as their personal notes taken from the seminar. In all cases, an unsatisfied Attendee will be asked to submit a letter explaining the reasons for dissatisfaction. Any reimbursements will be made within 30 days of the event. All reimbursements are at the sole discretion of the Facilitator, and all Facilitator decisions are final and binding. Any statements of dissatisfaction or request for refunds received after physically leaving the event will not qualify for this guarantee.
NOTE: A guarantee represents a promise about the quality of services delivered. If an Attendee does not fully experience the service (i.e. does not attend the entire Course), the guarantee does not apply. Furthermore, the guarantee cannot be substituted or confused with the Cancellation Policy, and as stipulated by law and our earnings disclaimer, the guarantee is not based on future revenue or performance.
Review and Jurisdiction
These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The United States of America. Attendee agrees that any dispute that arises out of or relates to these Terms will be resolved via non-binding mediation in the State of Colorado via a professional mediator obtained by the Facilitator. If any of these Terms of use are found unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be considered severable from the remaining terms of use, and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
These Terms are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Promoter.
Because I am fully committed to helping you change your relationship and your life, I want to offer you this 100% money back guarantee. You have 30 days from the date of purchase to test out the course. If you do the work and don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.
Important: To be eligible for a refund, I require your completed homework from the first three classes, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got. This means you must apply my teachings to your life and your relationships. I know that if you do, you’ll get results.
But If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition.
I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.